Counselling and support for people affected by the Disability Royal Commission
Here’s a great opportunity to access appropriate support
Relationships Australia NSW provides free counselling and support for all people (including First Nations, culturally and linguistically diverse and LGBTQ+) affected by the Disability Royal Commission who reside in Sydney and are living with a disability or in a caring or support role.
People with a disability who are not engaged or affected by the Disability Royal Commission can also use the service. The service offersfree online and phone support (during COVID-19) without judgement or discrimination in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment, and provides the following:
- Professional trauma-informed counselling (in person, phone and online)
- Access to interpretation or cultural translation services
- Supported referrals to specialised services – legal support services, advocates, financial support services and psychological care providers
- Social and practical support to clients such as psychosocial education, housing, health, mental health, financial and aged care services in order to meet the critical needs of the individual.
To find out more or to make an appointment please call 1300 024 320 or email [email protected]
Full Article Here including helpful YouTube videos